Sunday, September 21, 2008

Character Contrast

I will actually admit that this is one of the few books I somewhat enjoy. When I don't have an interest in the book, I can never really follow along, or I get lost in what I am reading. I chose to compare and contrast Loyd and Codi. Codi is one the those people who can't find herself. She doesn't know where to begin, but I feel as if Loyd has made somewhat of a influence on her. Loyd is a guy who Codi had a pretty rough history with. She dated him and he treated her badly... As Codi moved back to Grace, Arizona to help her ill father, become a biology teacher and see her old high school friends, you can see some of the changes she is going through. Loyd and Codi's relationship has definately changed. He treats her well now, and you can tell that they like each other. He takes her on trips, to meet his family, to old ancient buildings, and many more interesting places. Codi says she wants to be taken in my someone or something and feel wanted, but the obsticle I see throughout the reading is that she feels likes she can't leave Grace, AZ, her home town; She doesn't know exactly what she wants for herself. That all goes back to belonging. I think Codi lacks three things in particular. That is belonging because she doesn't know where she belongs and who she is as a person, setting goals because she doesn't have any goals she has set for herself and Codi does not have a high self-esteem or confidence by the way she acts (I think that makes it difficult as well.) Codi and Loyd are different because he is a mixed Indian, a hard laborer, outgoing, and a gambler who does cockfighting. She is a shy girl, very secretive, well educated, and tall. Codi is so secretive that she doesn't even tell her sister/bestfriend, Hallie that she was pregnant and had a miscarriage. How weird is that? Codi is also a very dependent person. When Hallie moved away to help others and the crops in Nicaragua, she didn't know what or where to go for herself. I feel like she just relied on Hallie for her desicions. I want the best for Codi and I hope she can find her way making good desicions and decide what to do for herself and not for Loyd or anyone else. Loyd, I think is a good influence on her and I have good feelings about their future... although she needs to find herself and look for where she belongs. During the reading I tried to look for hints as to where she might be finding "self"... one that stood out to me is the way she talks to Loyd. It seems that she is more open and comfortable about who she is. I think Loyd has changed alot from when they were in highschool, and they would be a great couple.

Miracles Happen

I read an article in The Luthern magazine about a woman named Mildred Wilson. She lived a basic life and moved in the 1950's to a farm in Breckenridge, Minnesota, members of that church welcomed her and her husband, Ellert. The Wilsons lived in an apartment above a local prison where Mildred cooked and prepared food for the prisoners and Ellert served as deputy sheriff. They were both very careful about saving and values of modest living because they grew up during the Depression. Mildred died and her congregation received surprising news. For many years, Mildred had been saving and accumulated farmland assests to share one day with her congregation and ELCA churchwide ministries. With Mildred's careful planning, she was able to leave a significant gift in her will to the Breckenridge Luthern Church and the ministries that meant so much to her. ELCA World Hunger, a ministry within the church and helps the root causes of hunger and poverty was also left with a substantial gift. "I suppose it went back to living through the Depression," said one of her family friends. Mildred was dedicated to helping others because she knew what it was like to go without. Like my dad always says, "Give more and you'll recieve more." I guess I have never really understood that quote that he always tells me but as I read this article it showed that it is true. Mildred Wilson made differences in thousands of peoples lives and I am sure they are so greatful for it. She wasn't a rich person but she was rich in the way of helping others in the world and in ways that only Jesus and her lawyer were aware of. Anybody can make a difference in the world with a planned gift. You don't have to be a millionaire, what she has done is an everyday, ordinary miracle. One quote that I really liked from the reading was, "Her dollars will multiply like the story of the loaves and fishes when they are used among the hungry."

Friday, September 12, 2008


I would like to describe myself as being a helpful person. I love to help others; it makes me feel great inside! At home, I don't even need to be asked to do the dishes or clean my room anymore… the job is already done before my parents start the complaining. There is never a time I am not willing to help or give advice to somebody. If anybody needs to talk, I'll be there to listen. When things need to be done, I'll be there to get them accomplished. When I get the opportunity or time, it is always my pleasure to help out. One thing I like is the responsibility of taking care of another. My grandma often times needs help; I can easily walk to her house and help her with the gardens in her backyard. Plus why not, I'm sure everybody can take 10 minutes out of their day to feel the same way I do when I am being a helpful person!