Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blog 5

It all started when the two older girls went off to college in New York and lived with each other. Whitney pretty much had everything going for her, was a very good, hard-working girl and didn't get into too much trouble while Kirsten loved the boys and drinking, just like any other freshman would like. Kirsten kind of dropped the whole modeling career and didn't care too much for it because one morning she came right from bed, hung over and arrived with a big hicky on her neck from the night before. The photographers could barely cover it up it was so large and in pictures she thought it was funny because you could see a big brown blob. after the girls had been living with each other for about four months, kirsten started calling their mom to warn her that Whitney was acting weird. She noticed that she had been loosing weight, had a big attitude and became snippy with Kirsten and hardly seemed to be eating anything. although whitney had kind of always been moody, annabel's parents really weren't too concerned about her. She was in a very difficult and competitive market with all the pressure of her appearance. they just thought that as she gained confidence things would simply just even out and get better. Then one day for thanksgiving, whitney and kirsten flew down to visit the family and there was a noticably big change from the time she looked than, to now. it was a shock to everyone because she showed up with wearing sweatpants and a turtle neck, no make-up and pale skin, while kirsten had rosy pink cheeks, a nice pink sweater and bright blue eyes. As annabel's mom asked whitney if she was okay, she answered, "i'm fine" but kirsten informed everyone that she wasn't and that she didn't eat and she was just killing herself.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Blog 4

I read a chapter last night and it was once again about her mom's depression and her modeling career. A quote that made me think about career's was, "i nodded, then leaned forward to kiss her just above her cheek, so as not to smudge my lipstick." this quote really reminds me of annabel and her modeling career. all her sisters grew up modeling since they were toddlers and/or younger. i think that would be so interesting and such a different life style to be grown into a family who models. Annabel is continuously getting offers and appointments set up to go and model for certain companies...he mom has always been there to take the girls to their photo shoots, but during her rough days, she hasn't been too up to it. if i was to chose whether or not to be a model i don't know if i would do it these days. i used to want to always be a model and i did one time get an offer. but now a days, the rules seem so much more strict and not being able to eat with kill me. my dad has always not been a big fan of me modeling just because of weight issues and getting into always needing to look perfect, he says "go natural". It depends on also how much time it takes out of your life, considering i have other sports and comp cheerleading preoccuping my life right now, there would be no time. annabel seems to enjoy it yet she really is only a model because both of her older sisters were. whitney, anabel's oldest sister had always been really thin and had a perfect modeling body, while kirsten and anabel had gorgeous faces, but the photographers always seemed to be telling them they were a little too plump or short to get "serious printwork". that's another reason why i wouldn't want to be a model, especially if i was born into it because of my older sisters is because i would feel so much pressure to always look good and be skinny. i would just like to eat whatever i want!

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Blog 3

I don't know if i'm quite so into this book as i thought i would be, but i still have enjoyed it! Honestly, I haven't had that much time to read it just because I've been reading In the Time of the Butterflies so much... (which i love by the way AND i've been reading when i'm suppose to so i'm all caught up!)

For this blog, i am going to elaborate about what i think about a quote.... which is the following:
" my mother's condition quickly grew to dictate our lives." this quote explains how annabels mom became depressed to a certain point were it would effect the girls lives as well. they always knew if she was going to have a good day or bad day by the way she looked/dressed in the morning. If annabel woke up and her mom was in the kitchen, making breakfast at a decent hour, she was in a good mood, and seemed like she was going to have a better day. If their dad was in the kitchen instead of their mom or there was cold cereal and toast, that meant their mom was still in bed and going to have a bad, rough day. anabelle really goes through so much, especially loosing her best friend after getting in a very sassy fight, a mom that is depressed severely and a sister with an eating disorder. so far, i feel like annabel is handleing the situations well, and not freaking out quite yet. i honestly don't know what i would do without a mother. my mom means the world to me and i could never live without her because my family would be totally lost. it's different because i don't have any sisters and annabel has all sisters. but at some points i wish i did have an older sister to look up to. i'm very thankful for my family and brothers.