Friday, September 12, 2008


I would like to describe myself as being a helpful person. I love to help others; it makes me feel great inside! At home, I don't even need to be asked to do the dishes or clean my room anymore… the job is already done before my parents start the complaining. There is never a time I am not willing to help or give advice to somebody. If anybody needs to talk, I'll be there to listen. When things need to be done, I'll be there to get them accomplished. When I get the opportunity or time, it is always my pleasure to help out. One thing I like is the responsibility of taking care of another. My grandma often times needs help; I can easily walk to her house and help her with the gardens in her backyard. Plus why not, I'm sure everybody can take 10 minutes out of their day to feel the same way I do when I am being a helpful person!


Julie Drake said...

holly i really like your blog its really cute

Anonymous said...

same but not all the time. i like when i do something and then my parents are like oh who did this and im like me and they would be uh thanks and i love that. its like the best feeling ever

Kiltie said...

I think the message of your paragraph is really good, and it reflects you really well.

Elise said...

Being helpful is a great thing to be. i wish i was that helpful but unfortunatly i'm not. but anyway good job! your blog is very cool!

Stephany said...

cool blog! being helpful will really help you in life. i have known that people that are helpful tend to be happier. LOL :)

Kelly Peterson said...

holl you're paragraph is so great! and very true we can see it in you:) love your profile its very cute i dont know how to make mine cute.... great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!

J15 said...

i like your cool blog! also your survey(about drink) was interesting to answer.
it's very good that you're a helpful person!!!!!
have a nice day!!!!!!!!

grace said...

love your blog! wonderful paragraph, can't wait to get ot know you more this year!

Ariana said...

holly! i really like your blog. i hope we get to know eachother more this year!

Sasha said...

being helpfull is a good quality, nice blog!

Andy M. said...

your paragraph is really good and has great examples

Katie said...

I like your blog!

Suzie said...

i enjoyed reading your paragraph, i hope we will get to know eachother better this year!