"A person's gender role is composed of several elements and can be expressed through clothing, behavior, choice of work, personal relationships and other factors."
Yeah, a woman is known for cleaning and cooking, while the man fixes cars and cuts down trees but everything has changed today. Although some may still clean, cook, and aquire the "stay at home" mom, others are hard working and succeed in the world. And I know plenty of dads who are considered the "stay at home" moms to this day.
I read one of the main articles about Gender Roles and Feminism....
It states that nearly 100 years ago and still today women are fighting for the same rights as men. Even in upscale resturants, states New York Times, they are decorated and vibed through the different gender characteristics; some attract more men than others and vice versa.
Usually with a relationship that is with the same-sex, the work is generally divided evenly says New York Times. While in heterosexual relationships, an uneven portion of household responsiblilties fall upon the woman.
El Fin
15 years ago
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