Sunday, February 22, 2009


Change-Any kind of change: New York Times- Tough Life, divorced, and depressed children.

There is always room for change. Everyday, something changes, whether it is what you wear from day to day or your stocks in the bank. Changes can be drastic or small. There is not one day out of the 365 days where the number of people in the world doesn't change because there is always somebody dieing or being born. I read an article about a couple that had 3 kids and when they got a divore everything changed. According to Mary, the mom, her kids went from being A students and in a variety of clubs and sports to getting D's and C's, ditching and falling out of their clubs because of the pressure they were going through. Divorced parents can be not only rough on relationships but also the kids. They are put in a position of despair and not knowing what to do with themselves. The worst thing adults can do is fight and argue in front of their children.. it causes stress, despression and sadness within the child. Lots of times the parents may move far apart from one another, if both parents have custody of the children, they are to move back and forth between the two. Breaks can be good, but also bad. Kelly, Eric and Melissa had a difficult time going between the two houses, it started to become to much for them to handle. Although they didn't have to deal with their parents fighting in front of them anymore didn't mean that within the kids relationships they didn't have problems now. Changes occurr everyday and will always be happening around you. Be aware of the changes around you, there are always good or great changes, and unfortunately bad ones.

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